Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 5: shoes suck, long live slippers!!

Monday 4/23/12, miles 51-68.5 (17.5 miles)
3297ft elevation

Yep. In true Hawaiian fashion, I hiked all day in my crappy $3.99 rubber flip flops. Shoes were just KILLING my feet. Oh man my feet are so happy! Lol.

Today was an incredible day of incredible views. I'm camped out here with a whole bunch of people! Kinda different from last 2 days when I was camped solo. Let's see, there's Blacksnake who started the same day as I, he's done the Cali portion of the pct 3 times I think. Threshold is here, as well as Helicopter, Jason and Hans, Hanna and dude (both kiwis), a guy who likes beer, and 2 other guys, I forget their names.

At the water tank (pic below, foreground with her back turned is Threshold, behind her is Andrew, and i dont remember the others),cold winds started to blow and clouds were moving fast!! We watched the clouds roll in north of us and down the valley, it was incredible. It looked like a tidal wave of clouds, going down the valley and up and over the hills. Absolutely amazing. I have a pic of this below.

Omg it is so frickin cold right now. Wish I had a thermometer, I'm curious to know the temp. If it is this cold in the morning I might wait til the sun comes up before I start moving. Lol. I've been asleep by 9pm every night, and wake up around 430am. I don't know when I've *ever* been on tat kind of sleep schedule. Lol! But after the sun goes down I'm COLD, so it's not like I wanna do anything anyways, other than blog while laying in my sleeping bag. Haha. Thank goodness for my 15* down bag!!

Oh wow, Jason is playing the uke and singing right now. Hes really good! This is so awesome!! :D

The pic with the tents is our campsite tonight. Helicopter is the one standing on the far left, she's sleeping tentless (HARDCORE, it's so cold!!), Hanna (kiwi!) is in the blue jacket sitting on the floor.


  1. Little Dodes says she wants Butterstuff to attach a live feed video cam onto his forehead so she can watch all the action from here. Also, she tried baking doggie snacks for him but couldn't quite get the oven to work (she couldn't get her paws to turn the knobs and things). Hope all is well on the trail!

  2. Love it. Whatever works for you at this stage, keep on rockin' the flip-flops!
