Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Day 46: back in the sun

Sunday 6/3/12
Miles 602-623 (21 miles)
Elevation 4548ft
Total # snakes encountered 13

I'm currently hiding in the waning shade of a Joshua tree right now. I have a pic of us, there's quite a few of us here. I walked 14 miles this morning to get here. It was a nice walk, there were lots of trees and it was mainly a downhill section so I did 14 miles quite easily. This was the next water source, it's a huge cache of about 100 jugs of water by the road. That was so awesome, because there is such little water in this stretch of trail that without these water caches, we would all be pretty screwed. So, thank you so much whoever it is that leaves this water here, you are an angel. <3

I saw Shutterbug and Anna under the Joshua tree! I'm stoked, I haven't seen them since Silverwood Lake. I have a pic of Tiny Dancer (it's funnily ironic because he's really freaking tall) under a tree with his tyvek groundsheet rigged over him. Hiker engineering at its finest. :D

As we were about to leave, Weather Carrot and Siddartha show up! Stoked!! Those are 2 of my favorite people so the fact that both of them arrived was pretty epic. I took a pic with both of them. Siddartha is 6'3 by the way, so he's not standing on a log or anything in that pic. Lol.

The hike out from the water cache was awesome. We left at around 6pm. It was pretty hot up until then. But the evening hike was so incredibly beautiful. Plus weather carrot was with us and he is quite entertaining. We ran across a rattlesnake. It was in the bushes, i heard it before I saw it. I tried to take a pic of it, maybe you can pick it out amongst the bushes. I also took a pic of Weather Carrot taking a pic of the snake.

The light of the setting sun amongst the hills was really pretty. The moon was so pretty too. It was, all in all one of my favorite hikes. Oh, I saw two deer too.

We ended up camping on top of a ridge. Holy hair balls it was WINDY!! But it was a nice night.

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